With deep sadness, we mourn the passing of Rev. Dr. Gondarra OAM, a giant in the life of the Uniting Church and Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress and a revered Yolŋu leader. We give thanks for his incredible contribution to our journey of reconciliation, his unwavering compassion for his people and his deep insights into the God who walks with us all.
See below a shared statement from National Congress Chair Rev. Mark Kickett and President of the Uniting Church
Rev Tony Goodluck, serves as the Moderator of the Northern Synod of the Uniting Church in Australia. In this 2024 Moderator’s Easter Message he reflects on the everyday inbreaking of the resurrected Christ into what might seem to be mundane everyday events. Moderator Goodluck suggests that it is in encountering the hope of new beginnings in our day to day lives that Christ comes to us, often unrecognised. He encourages us to live with open hearts so that we might
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The fourth Sunday in Advent falls on December the 24th this year. The Lectionary Readings include 2 Samuel 7: 1-11, 16 ‘God’s Covenant with David’ and Luke 1: 26-38 ‘The Birth of Jesus Foretold’. Two great stories of two unlikely candidates, being David the shepherd-boy-become-king; and Mary, the teenage mother of Jesus.
Perhaps the most remarkable thing in the lives of these two reasonably unremarkable