“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” Psalm 42:1
Longing is a feeling of wanting and hoping for something. This feeling is able to encourage someone to work hard and even wander to find what they miss. That desire is also felt by the psalmist, his longing for God is like a baby fawn that cannot hide his thirst. Just
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THE Assembly Standing Committee (ASC) has approved temporary guidelines for Uniting Church congregations and faith communities to celebrate Holy Communion as part of online worship.
The new guidelines are a temporary pastoral measure for the period of COVID-19 isolation measures, and will conclude no later than March 2021 or when the Standing Committee advises otherwise.
Pastoral Letter from Dr. Deidre Palmer, President of UCA (PDF)
Guidelines – Worship with Online Communion (PDF)
Resources for Theological Discernment (PDF)
Full-time Ministry Agent – Congregational Minister of Wesley Mission
Queensland, Albert St Uniting Church
The key mission focus of the WMQ Albert St. Congregational Minister will initially include: leadership and coordination of the Servant Network; growing the multicultural ministry of the congregation, and developing strategies for missional engagement in the CBD alongside the usual operational duties of congregational life – including weekly worship and pastoral care.
More details in Vacancies
27th March 27, 2020
There is a song that always echoes in my heart all the time when dealing with situations in life:
“Hidden down the road, close or still far away, I am guided by God’s hand to a land that I do not know.
Father teach me to follow what you purpose may be. No doubt or fear, my faith remains steadfast.”
For the last month we have all been shocked
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The President and Moderators have prepared a weekly cycle of prayers for use by congregations and in people’s personal devotions, as a way of connecting Uniting Church members. as we pray each day for one another and the life of the Australian community. We hope these prayers nurture and encourage you.
Sunday Prayer : Dr Deidre Palmer – President of the Uniting Church in Australia
Gracious and loving God,
You call us to love you with our whole being, and to love our neighbours
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The Uniting Church Adult Fellowship National Celebration for April/May 2020 has been postponed.
The committee is working towards running the Celebration at another time. The date currently under consideration is in February 2021. A decision will be made in April 2020
For further details, please contact the Secretary: Mr Max Howland
P: 08 8296 2508 M: 0414 910 419
E:max.howland@internode.on. net
Dear Colleagues in Pilgrim Presbytery,
By now you would have heard that we are asking PPNA congregations to join with
Anglicans, Baptists, Catholics and others in a united response to COVID-19 virus. We
now strongly urge all congregations not to continue with public worship.
The health reasons are clear: we have many people at risk in our congregations, and
we need to keep them safe. The best medical evidence is that no more than 15
people can be safe in a gathered context. It is not
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Friday, March 20, 2020
Hello Everyone,
Greeting all in the name of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for following the advice by both The Commonwealth and Northern Territory Governments on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
By now you have received the Pastoral letter from our Moderator and UCA President. You have also received pastoral information from the Pilgrim Presbytery and NRCC.
You are encouraged as Church Council / Executive Committee and Presbytery to make suitable and appropriate decisions in your context and within the strict safety criteria as
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An appeal to solidarity with community in difficult situations
Thursday 19 March 2020
Greetings in the love of Christ!
In the midst of the CoVID-19 outbreak which has been established by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a pandemic, we are reminded of the fragility of our mortal bodies against disease. We are being challenged to appreciate and care for the life God has given. Together we are trying to prevent the spread by practicing the advice given by the government including social
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Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
As the global pandemic of coronavirus COVID-19 continues to unfold, now, more than ever, as followers of Jesus, we are called to embody God’s love and compassion in our world.
I know from the stories you are sharing, that many of you are creatively responding to your neighbours – offering connection, practical support and pastoral care.
Amid a rapidly changing situation, Synods and Presbyteries have shared public health authorities’ advice with congregations about the ways to care
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