Queensland Floods
January 7, 2011
The UCA President, Rev Alistair Macrae, has launched a national appeal in response to the devastation of the floods in Queensland.
The UCA President, Rev Alistair Macrae, has launched a national appeal in response to the devastation of the floods in Queensland.
Colin Barnet’s W.A. Government in commencing processes to compulsorily acquire James Prices Point, Indigenous land is in breach of Australian international human rights obligations under the Declaration of Indigenous Rights.
UCA and the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress has congratulated the Australian Government on its announcement of a referendum on the recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Constitution.
At a community forum about alcohol held on 28 September, there was a call to establish an Alcohol action Coalition.
Our Generation – a ground breaking documentary on Aboriginal Rights was launched at the Darwin Deckchair Threatre on 16 August 2010.
At a service held on Sunday 26 September, Mr Stuart McMillan was commissioned as the Moderator of the Northern Synod. He called for our political leaders & the community to respond with greater compassion to fellow human beings.
The 34th Annual Synod has been held at Kormilda College. Synod Highlights, Resolutions, Bible Studies and comments received from the Alcohol Forum are available.
A community forum about alcohol will be held on Tuesday 28 September, 7:30pm, Mal Nairn auditorium at Charles Darwin University.
At a public forum held on 9 September at the Charles Darwin University, Dr Brian Devlin, Associate Professor at CDU and Professor Joseph Lo Bianco, Professor at the University of Melbourne discussed issues surrounding policies on Indigenous languages in Australia.
The National Council of Churches in Australia has invited the World Council of Churches to send an international ecumenical delegation (known as Living Letters) to visit the Indigenous Peoples of Australia from 12-17 September 2010