Daphne Read (President of Somerville Community Services Inc) and Ms Margaret Somerville visited Admiralty House in Kirribilli in Sydney at a Reception hosted by the Governor General, Ms Quentin Bryce AC on Tuesday, 27 September to launch the new edition of They Crossed A Continent .
The UCA President, Rev Alistair Macrae, has launched an Appeal to support a ministry of pastoral care and spiritual support for detainees and staff at Christmas Island Detention Centre.
A new resource that provides activity ideas for carers of Indigenous people with dementia was launched on Wednesday, 10 August in the remote community of Wugularr, 120 km southeast of Katherine.
Twenty-one people from the Casuarina Uniting Church travelled to Galiwin’ku earlier this year. The aim of the visit was to develop the on-going relationship with the people of the Galiwin’ku Congregation and to maintain the already strong connection with the people there. Please read further for the full story of this interesting and valuable trip.
In April 2012 Rev Dr Robert McFarlane will lead a study tour to Turkey. The tour will focues on biblical sites, early Church history, Byzantine Christian and Muslim architecture and art, as well as the stunning landscape of Cappadocia. For more details, please read further.
Over the weekend 24-27 June 2011, the annual meeting of the Uniting Church Northern Synod was held at Kormilda College in Darwin. For a summary of the activities held during Synod, please read more.
At the recent annual meeting of the Northern Synod, three proposals were considered. They related to alcohol, the Northern Territory Intervention and gambling. Please follow the links to the proposals.
The Indigenous members of our Synod expressed their absolute frustration at so called ‘consultation’ by governments with them.
Rev Colin Gordon was inducted into the Centralian Patrol at the John Flynn Memorial Uniting Church in Alice Springs on 8 February 2011.
A number of leading Australians have made a statement expressing their concern by the failure of the Federal Government to properly address problems facing Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory.