A new shed has been erected at Casuarina Uniting Church. The shed was funded by the Northern Territory Government’s Community Benefit Fund Small Grants Program.
Members of the Casuarina congregation are very grateful to the Government for the funds.
The new shed has replaced a much smaller one and has enabled better storage of toys and equipment used by the Sonseekers Playgroup on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (and also by the Multiple Births Club who use the facilities at Casuarina on Wednesdays).
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Choices are always forever present in the lives of humans, and there are always two choices, good and bad or wrong and right. Every person cannot escape from the arena of choice so because of that we constantly research and test before making up our minds.
The Jewish people also encountered a similar dilemma in their day to day lives. When Jesus arrived in Jerusalem they welcomed him with joy. Praising him saying: “Hosanna” to the Son
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Refugees – Justice – Environment
On Sunday 9 April there will be a Peace march commencing at 5.00 pm, commencing from the southern end of Esplanade Park, Darwin City, and marching to the northern end.
Bring a picnic! Add Palms!
Supporters of the Peace March are #bringthemhere, #climatejustice, #nofracking, #humanrights, #globallivingwage, Lock the Gate, the Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum, the Uniting Church in Australia – Northern Synod, Unions NT, Darwin Asylum Seeker Support and Advocacy Network and the Environment Centre of
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Senior representatives from the Uniting Church in Australia appeared before the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse on Friday 10 March. UCA was represented by the President Stuart McMillan, the Assembly’s General Secretary Colleen Geyer and the Queensland Synod General Secretary Rev Heather den Houting.
A report of the testimony given to the Royal Commission is available here.
The transcript of the President’s apology on behalf of the Church is available here.
The Ecumenical Taize Service will now be held weekly, starting from Tuesday 7 March.
When: Every Tuesday Night at 7.30pm
Where: Nightcliff Uniting Church, 21 Cummins Street, Rapid Creek
Taize is a candle-lit sung meditation, including prayer, chant and song
Contact Rev Basil Schild on 0421 378 907 for further information.
All Welcome!
Are you under 35 years of age?
Are you undertaking leadership or theological studies?
If you answered yes to these questions you are eligible to apply for a Joan Stott UCAF Bursary.
The Uniting Church Adult Fellowship Committee may award up to two Bursaries each calendar year, each to the value of $1,5000, to assist those who care committed to, or who already are, studying in the field of leadership or theology within the ethos of the Uniting Church. The bursary will be
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The members of the Lutheran Church in the Top End have sought to gather together on the World Day of Prayer. This day of worship and prayer for a community or country that is struggling has been shared with Christians throughout the Church. It was also celebrated in Darwin as an ecumenical event up until 2011.
The World Day of Prayer 2017 host country will be the Philippines and the theme, prepared by the women, is Am I Being Unfair to
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The Uniting Church has a number of positions available within its Assembly.
Applications are sought for a National Director, Frontier Services; Associate General Secretary, Assembly Resourcing (1 position); and National Consultancy, Assembly Resourcing (3 positions).
Please click on relevant link for full details about the positions.
In 2017 the Alice Springs Uniting Church will again be hosting its popular Desert Intensive and Spirit Journey cultural exchange program.
The Desert Intensive program is a 2 night learning and reflection experience in the heart of Alice Springs. The program includes opportunities to learn about language, culture, land and spirituality from local Aboriginal elders and participate in workshops and reflection sessions on desert spirituality and social change.
The Spirit Journey is a four night 4WD desert journey led by John Cavanagh,
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“Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth”. Genesis 2:16
The message of salvation is echoed within the weeks of Advent. The celebration of his coming is always warm and filled with hope. In it we are reliving the celebration of Jesus’ birth with joy which has been proclaimed by the angels to the shepherds
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