
2019 Synod Theme -Sharing your life message

September 18, 2019

~ Sharing your Life Message ~ will be the theme of the synod over the next two years.

The Northern Synod is one synod full of diversity. This diversity should be gratefully accepted as God’s gift that must be valued. This theme was chosen based on personal experience and struggle with our brothers and sisters as First People on this land. In visits to their communities I often hear stories of those who live in trauma and feel marginalized but uphold

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Pray for our Synod

September 18, 2019

Pray for our Synod 1

Dear Christian friends, the annual meeting of the Northern Synod is coming soon, 26-27 October, along with meetings of the NRCC and Pilgrim Presbyteries on 25 October. 

We are asking you to pray for those October meetings as congregations and individual Christians. As the meeting draws closer, I will send some specific prayer points about the issues we will need to consider.

For this first Prayer Letter, we ask you to pray for God’s blessings on:     

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September 18, 2019

All women of Pilgrim and NRCC Presbyteries who are attending the October Presbytery and Synod meetings and all Darwin based women are invited to attend a gathering on

Thursday 24th October 2019  (the day before the Presbytery meetings)

 To be held at Casuarina Uniting Church 9.30am for a 10am start, finishing at 3.30pm  (morning, afternoon tea and lunch will be provided)

Please see the attached flyer for more information

Invitation for 24 October 2019

Invitation to attend the 2019 Synod Opening Service

September 17, 2019

You are invited to attend the Opening Service of 2019 Synod to be held at the                    University Theatre, Charles Darwin University, Building Orange 3, Casuarina Campus on Friday 25 October 2019 starting at 7.00pm

The Service will be a celebration of gifts and talents from many cultural groups and congregations within the Northern Synod.

Please see the attached flyer for more details. RSVP:  Monday 7 October 2019

Invitation to Synod 2019 Opening Service


September 17, 2019

The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Northern Synod will be held in Darwin from 25 – 27 October 2019.
Presbytery meetings for both NRCC and PPNA will be held on Friday 25th October commencing at  9am.
The Opening Service of Synod will be a celebration of gifts and talents from many cultural groups and congregations within the Northern Synod. It will be held at Charles Darwin University on Friday evening 25th October commencing at 7pm. This event is open to all.


Synod Meetings

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Gospel Yarning Conference.

September 17, 2019

This conference will be held on 17-20 November 2019 at the Centre for Ministry in North Parramatta NSW. The theme for this second conference is “For Such a Time As This, How can we be the Church of Jesus Christ in a Secular World.” Rev Peter Hobson from Brisbane is the keynote speaker.

It is sure to be a very stimulating conference.

Please click on the link for further information.


Mäpuru Yirralka College Position Vacant for 2020

September 11, 2019

Mäpuru Yirralka College have a full time vacancy for the 2020 school year.

Please see the attached documents.

MYC Primary Teacher Job Description

Primary Teacher Mapuru flyer

Additional Information About Mapuru

Induction Service for Rev Dr Katalina Tahaafe-Williams

July 18, 2019

You are warmly encouraged to share in the Induction Service 

at 7.30 pm Thursday 25th July 2019

for Rev Dr Katalina Tahaafe-Williams as Minister as Minister of the Word 

at Nightcliff Uniting Church 21  Cummins St Rapid Creek

A light supper will be provided after the service


June 13, 2019

Epping Uniting Church (UC) is seeking a full-time chaplain to join the team at the Macquarie University, North Ryde.

Reporting to the Epping Uniting Church Minister, this role will work closely with the Uniting
Church University Mission Worker. Please click on the above heading to open and access the link for full details.


Applications close 5pm Friday 28th June and applications should be sent to Epping Uniting Church PO Box 211 Epping NSW 1710 or email:

Rev Dr L Lee Levett-Olson: Eastertide Devotion

May 17, 2019

Rev Felicity Amery concluded her time as Presbytery Minister of the Pilgrim Presbytery of Northern Australia on Monday 29th of April, and will be inducted into her new role as the Synod General Secretary of South Australia tonight. We hold her in our prayers as she takes on this new role. Rev Dr L Lee Levett-Olson has accepted a call to the role of Intentional Interim Presbytery Minister of the Pilgrim Presbytery of Northern Australia. Below is a devotion he

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