Tennant Creek and Barkly Patrol


Contact Details
58 Patterson Street (Stuart Highway)
Tennant Creek NT 0860
P O Box 54, Tennant Creek, NT 0861
Email: tennantcreekunitingchurch@gmail.com

Pastor Amy Lasslett
Phone: 0433 554 487

Frontier Services Tennant Barkly Patrol: Vacant

Church Contact:
Adrian Calyun-Sice
Phone: 0498 627 609

Op Shop Coordinator
Contact Meg on 0475 614 367


Time: 9.30 am Sunday, followed by a long cuppa and yarn.

Congregation Activities and Projects

  • Art and Craft, Cuppa and Yarn Wednesday 10am to 12pm
  • Op shop Thursday and Saturday 9:30am to 12pm
  • Chaplaincy at ARRCS Pulkapulkka Kari Aged Care
  • Hospitality House, short term stays for UCA members and staff

Church Vision:

Tennant Creek Uniting Church is a small, committed congregation who have an aim to use our resources (people, skills, assets) to faithfully serve God’s mission in the world.

We recognise that Tennant Creek is a challenging place for many. Despite this we celebrate and explore God’s goodness, which we know to be stronger than all that is wrong.

We understand the legacy of colonisation and our geographical remoteness compounds disadvantage and social dysfunction in our town.

In response we desire to be a community of peace and hope. We consider all locals to be made in God’s image and to be worthy of relief from the hard stuff that happens in town.

We understand we can’t fix the enormous challenges experienced in the Barkly, but we can love and support each other and trust in God’s promises.

Our church family continues to focus on:
Worship, Prayer, Community / Connection, Social Justice, Hospitality.