Karama Indonesian Uniting Church





Contact Details
53 Koolinda Crescent   Karama NT 0812
P O Box 97  Sanderson  NT  0813

Pastor Frits Momuat                                                                                                                                 Email: fritm@hotmail.com

Church Council Secretary
Ms Nuraini Ratnawati
Email:  new_ry@yahoo.com

Worship Times

9.30 am
and Sunday School.

Easter Services
Maundy Thursday 7.00 pm
Good Friday 1.30 pm Stations of the Cross 2.30pm with Holy Communion
Easter Sunday – Dawn Service 6.30 am Rapid Creek Foreshore

Christmas Services
Christmas Eve:  6.00 pm
Christmas Day:  9.00 am (Service at Casuarina UC)                                                                              New Years Eve:  6.00 pm

Congregation Activities and Projects

Prayer meeting at Church: Tuesday at 8:00 pm
Bible Study: Friday at 7.30 pm (house to house)
Youth meeting: Every second Thursday afternoon