Safe Church

Creating an Environment of Safety for All

 Safe Church Ministry is God-honouring, person-valuing, and respectful. The Uniting Church is focused on the wellbeing of people of all ages and all abilities. We are committed to providing safe programs, safe leaders and volunteers, and safe spaces so that everyone feels, and is, safe and supported.

As Gods’ church, Safe Church Ministry is an outworking of what James 1:27 calls true religion – caring for the vulnerable (widows and orphans), and an expression of what is required of all people, that is to seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly before our God (Micah 6:8).

Practically, this includes the implementation of policies and procedures in the areas of due diligence and duty of care, as well as providing just and fair processes for responding to grievances and/or allegations of ministry misconduct and/or abuse. As we establish and maintain Safe Church Ministry in our events and programs, we will fulfil our biblical, ethical, denominational, risk management, insurance and legal responsibilities.

Keeping Children Safe

These resources assist congregations and Church councils to safeguard those in their care.

Child Safe Church documents for Congregations, Leaders and Volunteers can be found below:

1 Safe Ministry with Children 

2 National Child Safe Church

3 Recruitment

4 Leaders and Helpers

5 Registers and Records

6 Safe Programs and Places

7 Working With Children Check processes

8 Complaints and Allegations

9 Brochures

Further information:

Code of Conduct for the Prevention of Abuse, including the Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy


Persons of Concern Policy