National Youth Ministry Training – 6-11 October 2015
August 19, 2015
The National Youth Ministry Training is an event for ministers, youth pastors, youth group leaders, the lot. The Uniting Church attaches the NYMT onto the National Youth Ministry Convention, a non-denominational youth ministry training event that occurs on the Gold Coast in October. Uniting Church participants attend an extra 2 days of UCA specific sessions as well as joining with everyone else in attending the NYMC sessions. It is a great opportunity to network, to share stories, to compare experiences, and to learn together. Jemma Whittaker, the Synod’s National Youth Activities Officer would love to take a small group of people across to NYMT because it is such a valuable space of support and personal development. If you can think of someone in your congregation with a heart for youth ministry or an interest in developing their skills and knowledge please get them in touch with Jemma at or through the Synod Office.