Reconciliation Week

May 18, 2010

Since 2007 the South Australian Synod has celebrated Reconciliation Sunday as part of the activities for Reconciliation Week. In 2010 Reconciliation Sunday will be on 30th May (Trinity Sunday). The Synod is keen for other Church Councils to include this day in their worship calendars.

A number of resources are prepared each year and you are invited to download all or part of these resources to facilitate the planning of worship for this day. The resources may also be used later during NAIDOC week celebrations (Sunday 4 July 2010) if this fits in better with your worship planning.

The resources include:

  1. A complete order of service.
  2. Some material for consideration when sermon writing..
  3. General information on the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress and Covenanting.¶
  4. Suggested hymns with notes and a children’s story.

Download 2010 Worship Resources: