Christian Engagement in the Election Process
Building an Economy for Life
Like all citizens in a democratic state, Christians have a responsibility to actively engage in the political processes. As Christians, however, we have a particular responsibility to think about how we do this in a way that answers the call to be good news in the world: to bring justice, peace and hope to those processes that seek justice, peace and hope as outcomes.
An Economy for Life is an expression of our faith as Christians and citizens and our commitment to share with all Australians in the search for meaning, purpose and community in life. It is not the intention of the resource to lead the reader to any particular conclusion about whom they should or should not vote for. It does not ‘rate’ the policy platform of political parties. The material is non-party political.
This resource seeks to explore the implications of the gospel for aspects of our life. It was produced for the National Assembly of the Uniting Church by UnitingJustice Australia for the federal election in 2010.
Areas covered are:
- Building an economy for life – your faith, your vote, your voice
- Recognition and respect – justice for Indigenous Australians
- Protecting the persecuted – compassion for asylum seekers and refugees
- Tackling climate change – ensuring the future
- Beyond the urban fringe – issues for outback Australia
- Protecting human rights
- Justice in income support
- Sharing our wealth – a just and progressive taxation system
- A decent life for older people
- Embracing our diversity – a multicultural, multifaith society
- Justice in international development.
While the Building an Economy for Life resource was developed for the 2010 federal election, most of the areas it addresses are also relevant to all Territory and Federal elections. Issues concerning Closing the Gap, compassion for asylum seekers and issues facing those in the bush continue to be very relevant in the Northern Synod.
It should be noted that as half the members of the Northern Synod of the Uniting Church are Indigenous people, achieving the outcomes of Closing the Gap are of major importance to our church.
In addition to the An Economy for Life resource, please see the Our Views part of this website to read comment on some social justice issues affecting the Northern Synod of the Uniting Church.