A Destiny Together: Justice for First Peoples
February 4, 2014
The resolution adopted at the Thirteenth UCA Assembly held in Adelaide in July 2012, was in response to the stories shared by members of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC). Those present at the Assembly were so moved by the stories of harm and exclusion brought about by the effects of the Federal Government’s Strong Futures laws on their lives and their communities that they resolved to call all Uniting Church members and congregations to participate in a week of fasting, prayer and reflection.
As well as a general call for prayer and fasting during the period 17-23 March 2014, the resolution calls for a public vigil at Parliament House in Canberra on Tuesday 18 March.
A travel fund as been established to enable members of Congress in remote communities to participate in this week of prayer and fasting. Whatever donation you can make – small or large – will enable the voices of those who are so often kept silent to be heard. A donation form is available, and further information about donating to the travel fund or about the week of prayer and fasting can be found at www.assembly.uca.org.au/adestinytogether.