Synod Standing Committee
December 22, 2011
Standing Committee met face-to-face on 9th December 2011 in Darwin. Matters considered included:
. CBD Plaza profit distribution: At this year’s Synod, a committee was established to determine the distribution of the profits from CBD Plaza. The committee reported to Standing Committee about the process it is developing to guide disbursements and that it has been determined to fund one additional full-time placement at Darwin Memorial commencing 2012.
. Gambling: Standing Committee determined to write to Federal politicians (Andrew Wilke MP and Senator Nick Xenophon) in support of their efforts to enact measures to limit problem gambling.
. Detainees and Asylum Seekers: Several Darwin-based Ministers have been approved by the Immigration Department to make visits to those in the detention centres in Darwin. Moderator Stuart McMillan continues to have an active brief in this area.
. Indigenous Education Taskgroup: A taskgroup chaired by Moderator Stuart McMillan has been established. An activity has been to facilitate a meeting at Galiwinku 19 to 21 December to address the question of “If we got what we wanted, what would this look like?”. A report from the workshop is expected early in 2012.
. Extension of the General Secretary: Standing Committee received a report from the General Secretary Review Panel, which recommended a five year extension of current Secretary Peter Jones.
. CSIS Update: A report on the recent CSIS workshop held at the new AuSIL premises in Palmerston involved Bible translation in eight Aboriginal languages being worked on by five teams. We give thanks for the support of our translation partners AuSIL, ARDS, the Bible Society, Nungalinya College and MAF.
. Synod stipend for 2012: Standing Committee approved the recommendation from the FAPS Committee. Letters have been sent to congregational secretaries advising of the 2012 rate and other allowances.